London police investigating the involvement of British intelligence in the killing of «Diana and Dodi» - Heikal Wales

Empire the sun never sets The life of Princess Diana - Dodi Al Fayed - Prince Charles

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الأحد، 12 مارس 2017

London police investigating the involvement of British intelligence in the killing of «Diana and Dodi»

London police investigating the involvement of British intelligence in the killing of «Diana and Dodi»
London police launched an investigation into the alleged involvement of soldiers from the British special forces in the deaths of Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Fayed in a car collision in the French capital Paris in 1997 accident.

Quoting "Russia Today" newspaper "Sunday Telegraph" reported that London police confirmed that it requested the Special Investigations Department have study after allegations recently received a file containing the new information about the death of Princess Diana.

British newspaper pointed out that the Royal Military Police provided the London police with new information that surfaced during the trial of the sniper in the British Special Forces Sergeant Danny Nightingale on charges of possessing illegal weapons, which reportedly include allegations about the involvement of the British Special Forces accident and the death of the princess. In turn, the newspaper "The Guardian" newspaper reported that the parents of the wife of former soldier said he had told their daughter that the unit he belonged to it arranged Diana's death and that he was the coverage on it.

London's Metropolitan Police refused to confirm the content or origin of the information, but stressed that the leadership of operations and crimes officers will study to evaluate whether there is a need to open a full investigation into Princess Diana's death of her boyfriend Emad Al Fayed and their driver Henri Paul accident walking in Paris.

The newspaper quoted a spokesman Mohamed al-Fayed as saying that "Al Fayed very interested in the results to see the police assess the new information." Killed Princess Diana and the son of Egyptian businessman Mohamed Al Fayed, Dodi Fayed and the driver of their car in a traffic accident in a tunnel during the chase photographers (Alababaratsi) for them after they left the Ritz Hotel in Paris on August 31, 1997, and survived the crash, Trevor Rees-Jones, who was in the protection team of the family of al-Fayed.

The official inquiry concluded that the photographers are responsible for the incident indirectly, and that driver Paul was drunk and driving too fast to escape the paparazzi.

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